
“This week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Anna, one of our favorite members from ECA Everett! Anna has been a member here at ECA for a year now, and has been working out with Andrew, twice a week, ever since she walked through our doors! Anna is 31 years old. She was going to school and working full time WITH 2 beautiful kids (a two year old and a three year old!) To say her schedule was full, would be a very large understatement. Her husband would watch the kids while she worked and then he was off to his job, the night shift at Boeing. Let’s just say, they needed a change. A year ago, Anna felt unhappy, depressed, insecure and ultimately just not okay with the season of life. Her husband suggested she find a gym that would not just be another place to walk in, get on the first cardio machine she’d see, and then leave. No, she wanted a different experience. She wanted help. One year ago, she walked into ECA and whether our trainer, Andrew, knows it or not, He changed Anna’s life. He showed her all the how’s, what’s, and cleared the confusion. He broke down the insecurities that come with certain gyms, and showed her that she can change externally, which affects you internally. She started ENJOYING LIFE! I asked Anna what makes her come back every week to train with Andrew and work out on her own, “Andrew changed my perspective on working out, He showed me working out can be FUN.” Wait, working out can be fun?? “YES!” Anna explained how the progress she’s made, losing 62 pounds and now running 5-10k’s, has changed everything! Her time with her kids is more interactive and she’s motivated to be the best mom that she can possibly be. She’s motivated to be a better wife, and to ultimately LOVE life and this season she is in. I asked Anna, what’s next on the list of goals? “1/2 Marathon, and then we’ll set another goal.”
